divendres, de novembre 17, 2006

La meva desesperació per tenir internet

I ara no em digueu que havia d'haver posat l'adreça a la dreta o a l'esquerra, i la data, i que havia d'haver dit yours sincerely o yours faithfully... No m'ho he après mai!

Dear neighbour,

My name is Angels and I’m a student of Journalism from Barcelona. I’m staying in London for 3 months and I’m leaving by the end of December. I’m staying in flat 4, with Mrs. Nadia Guerri, to whom I rent a room. I’m working as an intern in a TV channel.
I brought my laptop from Barcelona, but the matter is that I don’t have a wireless connection at home. I need it to keep in touch with my family and friends and to do my university work. However, I detect the signal of some wireless connections which are near, and I guess that some of them might be yours.
I wonder if you would be so kind to let me use your wireless internet connection. It might sound strange, but I have no other choice. We could share expenses, so it would be ok for me –I would have access to the internet- and it would be OK for you because you would save some money…
I have no problem to make an appointment and talk about it if you are interested in doing me this favor! I give you my e-mail address so that you can write me an e-mail (I can read mail at work) and see whether we can meet. It’s angels_codina@yahoo.es, and my mobile phone number is 07726441011.
Thank you very much in advance!!!!

Angels Codina

2 comentaris:

Rufí ha dit...

Merci per la information Angels. Però la proximitat de les dates d'exams i el fet que el bitllet de tornada val una pasta m'han fet declinar la saborosa proposta d'anar a london i veure en Morrissey matant dos aguilots d'un tir de pedra. Petons i sort amb l'internet. La realitat és crua però s'ha d'acceptar: La vida és internet.

Pit ha dit...

Nevermind! Sí, ja sé que amb el pont els preus estan desorbitats... Molta sort amb els exàmens i merci per postejar!