Foto del Bar Italia durant el Mundial de futbol
Gràcies a ma germana, aquest cap de setmana vaig descobrir que Pulp té una canço dedicada al Bar Italia...
Bar Italia, per Pulp
Now if you can stand I would like to take you by the hand, yeah
And go for a walk past people as they go to work.
Oh, let's get out of this place before they tell us that we've just died.
Move, move quick, you've gotta move.
Come on it's through, come on it's time.
Oh look at you, you,you're looking so confused just what did you lose?
If you can make an order could you get me one.
Two sugars would be great 'cos I'm fading fast and it's nearly dawn.
If they knocked down this place, this place, it'd still look much better than you.
Move, move quick, you've gotta move.
Come on it's through, come on it's time.
Oh look at you, you, you're looking so confused, what did you lose?
Oh, it's ok it's just your mind.
If we get through this alive I'll meet you next week, same place, same time.
Oh move, move quick you've gotta move.
Come on it's through, come on it's time.
Oh look at you, you, you're looking so confused, what did you lose?
That's what you get from clubbing it.
You can't go home and go to bed because it hasn't worn off yet
And now it's morning there's only one place we can go.
It's around the corner in Soho where other broken people go. Let's go.
dilluns, de desembre 04, 2006
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6 comentaris:
Hola, acabo de llegir tots els teus posts, 1) em sapa greu lo del teu avi, suposo que donar anims es el minim, 2) em pensaba que sabies lod el bar italia, que graaannnn.... 3) a mi despres de veure TEENAGE FAN CLUB, els Miyagi van ser del que mes em va agradar al festival, 4) que pasis un bon dia, aqui tothom respira barça, acabo de sopar i escric un guió de rradio per demà...
un petó de bona nit
Collons nena...quins posts que et deixa el Miqui Puig...
Després no vull sentir certes coses quan tornem a parlar eh?;-)
Hagués pagat per veure aquella bonica final en un marc tant idílic, furbolísticament parlant.
Una segona caçnçó adient seria el "Sweet & tender hooligan" dels The Smiths, no creus?
Petons culés
Bon dia, Petita
Ara tot just acabo d'arribar a la feina. Al despatxet on estem hi ha un balconet: com que no fa fred l'he pogut obrir. M'entra un aire net i fresc, i un sol reconfortant. De tant en tant al carrer ressonen unes passes o el rumor ofegat d'una moto. He aprofitat i m'he posat una mica de música i ara em posaré en feina, tot i que fa un dia massa maco per passar-lo tancada. Me n'aniria a passejar o a fer un cafè en una terrassa...
Ah, ahir em vaig posar la samarreta aquella de micropana que em vas deixar: vaig triomfar! ;)
Un petó gegant.
Ah si!!!?? Ara has de dir: comprada a Camden... ;-)
Me n'alegro! Ara t'has de posar la del Superman! Jo, amb els quilos de més que he guanyat aquí..., m'hauré d'esperar uns quants dies per posar-m'ho i que em quedi bé...
Un petó i sort amb la feina.
A bit xulilla no? comprat a Camden...
Ho dic perquè fardi, home!
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